Friday, May 8, 2009

A Date with My Dragon on a Spring Day

We went for a ride on my bicycle today. Naturally I did all the work while my dragon rode along perched on my shoulder. What a glorious day! Bright sunshine and 72 degrees after a week of feeling like Noah stuck in his ark watching the rain through the portholes.

We sucked in the clean spring air (at least I did, especially pedalling uphill), and inhaled the wonders of spring: fire red azaleas, dogwood trees spreading their arms wide, pink and white blossoms drinking the sunlight. We passed freshly plowed fields, ready for planting, carpets of green cornfields where the young growth would barely tickle an elephant's (or a dragon's) ankle. So green and fresh and new.

When we turned onto Jackson Road, I looked for the rooster that loves to ride on the goat's back but they weren't in sight today. First time I saw them I nearly fell off my bike.

When we got home, my dragon took a nap while I cut the grass. That's because he was content. We both had our fill. We both recharged. We're ready to play now.


  1. It sounds like a nice day for a ride enjoying all the wonderful sights.

  2. Hi Pam,

    I haven't been over to this blog in ages. Thanks for the comment. I hang out (shh on my wordpress blog these days).

  3. Quite enjoyable creative writing. I enjoyed the imagery. It has been so gray here of late.

  4. What a lovely post, a beautiful description of spring feeling.

  5. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections and leaving the link back here ... I enjoyed your poetry and your creative writing ... fun to see this side of you ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. Reading this made me feel like I have to ride my bicycle and just enjoy whatever sights I may pass by. Wonderful post!
